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Submit Your Work Here!

Thank you for considering submitting your work to The Restless Soul Review! In this literary magazine, we strive to give young, emerging writers the platform to publish their prose, poetry, and artwork/photography--and get it recognized. The only thing that we emphasize for submissions is that they discuss something that makes your soul restless--something that spurs you to pick up that pen and write until you cannot anymore. Something that needs to be heard. If you think this applies to you and your work, please share it. 

Submissions Guidelines

  • All submissions are FREE.

  • To submit, please click on the Google Forms link that corresponds with your work's category.

    • When submitting, please include a short biography of you, your past work (if applicable), and your location. This will be added to the end of your piece if it is published.​

  • Must be age 13-23 to submit.

  • If your piece is in a different language (which is welcomed and encouraged!), please provide an English translation as well.

  • This literary magazine does not accept nor tolerate plagiarism unless credit is given--if plagiarism is detected, you will be removed from consideration for publication in the next issue immediately.

  • In addition, discriminatory themes, words, phrases, etc. are NOT welcomed or accepted by The Restless Soul, and will immediately be removed from review if detected.

  • If your piece is chosen for the next Issue, you will receive an email from us within 2-3 weeks from your submission date, although it may be sooner or later depending on the circumstance. 

    • If you have questions or did not receive an email from us in the given time period, feel free to contact us via email​.

  • Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but if your piece is being published in some other magazine, please contact us immediately so we are aware.

  • If your work is accepted, you acknowledge that The Restless Soul Review has the electronic right to publish your work on this site or any other sites affiliated with the magazine.

    • ​The rights to the work will be returned to you after publication.

    • You also recognize that The Restless Soul Review has the right to edit (grammar, punctuation, formatting, etc.) your submissions, although we will always try to maintain your original voice and work. 

  • At this time, The Restless Soul Review cannot offer payment for your work if it is chosen to be published.


Submission Links

  • Prose:

    • We are accepting all short stories, flash fiction, creative non-fiction, etc. â€‹

    • You may submit 1-3 pieces per Issue.

    • Must be 2000 words or less per piece. 

    • Submit prose here.

  • Poetry:

    • We are accepting all forms of poetry; lyrical, free-verse, narrative, etc. ​

    • You may submit 1-3 pieces of poetry per Issue.

    • Submit poetry here.

  • Art/Photography:

    • You may submit 1-4 pieces of artwork and 3-5 photos per Issue.​

    • These photos/pieces of artwork will be considered for the cover of the new Issue or as part of the Issue itself.

    • Submit artwork/photography here.

  • Please make sure you read the guidelines before submitting!

This Issue's Theme

As summer winds to an end, we encourage writers and creators to address the theme of changes/shifts. Although September's coming, and the subsequent loss of summer, is usually a time of melancholy, we believe that a beginning of a new school year can also signal a great sense of change. For this Issue, we are asking our submitters to recall a time in their lives when they experienced a change or shift, regardless of how drastic or minute it was. Was it good? Bad? How did it shape you as an individual? As always, feel free to take the prompt as literally or as figuratively as you would like. We look forward to seeing all your submissions!

©2023 by The Restless Soul Review

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